Finding Jackie

Jackie is the ideal client. She is busy with her family and friends,…

2022 Year in Review

My longtime editor and friend, Evan Simonoff of FA asked me for a…

What Are You Afraid Of?

One of the most difficult situations I’ve experienced in my life was…

FinTech vs FinTalk

I marvel at the brilliance and passion of inventors. Today’s FinTech…

The Client is Not Always Right

It was one of those “Hello McFly” moments (if you remember the iconic…

Your Retirement Needs an Eco-System

Wikipedia says an ecosystem is “a community made up of living…

The Business of “Wellness”

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart famously remarked about…

Three Blind Wealth Management Execs and the Demographic Elephant

“Uncertainty” is an interesting condition that vexes human beings.…

This is Us

Mention “financial wellness” to 10 attendees of a FinTech conference…

Follow the White Flags – To Success

Streaming one of those endless crime series recently, I watched the…

Adoption is the New Innovation

Every day, there are hundreds of news items extolling the virtues of…

Let Them Eat Calamari!

When my son was about 2, we lived in a New York City apartment near…

Participating Firms

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